Marxists LOOOVE "inversion", don't they? Flip any means, any words, control the language to control the population. Up is down, black is white. Lucifer really is "the father of lies".

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Ultimately, the Democratic Party has always believed the right to govern belongs to it, and to it alone. It is why the party was founded. In that regard, it is fascist at its core.

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I have been calling this his Philly Phascist Speech from the day he gave it. A speech that no only could have been written by Mussolini, but I’m sure was given by Il Duce on more than one occasion.

A year later, he gave the sequel no one wanted at the dedication of the McCain Library at ASU, and again last January.

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If it worked in Rome... same plebians, different time. Their ill gotten Republic becomes a dictatorship when they lose control. Then they burn the thing down to the ground.

That's all I got.

Israel's "Iron Dome" failed the defenseless Palestinians faith in a centralized security veil of tyrants. America's 2nd Amendment foretells the reasoning. Wake up and smell the stench of corruption and thank God for America's foresight. "Washington is next."

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Thank you so much. This is both chilling and necessary.

You’re a real mensch. Cheers 🕊️✡️🕊️

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